Visitor's Current Wishlist
Every visitor to our website will be given a "Visitor's Current Wishlist". This allows the visitors to store their favorite products in a temporary wishlist.
The Visitor's Current Wishlist contents could be displayed at anytime, if you are not yet logged in, by clicking the Current Wishlist link in the left slidebar menu.
Once the visitor leaves the website, the contents of the Current Wishlist will be deleted.
Member's Personal Wishlist
Every member to our website that logs in is given a "Member's Personal Wishlist". This allows the member to add favorite products to his Personal Wishlist, and come back at a later date to finalize them. All products remain in his Personal Wishlist until the member has removed the products themselves.
The Member's Personal Wishlist contents can be displayed at anytime, if you are already logged in, by clicking the My Wishlist link in the left slidebar menu. It is automatically saved for the next visits.
If a member adds products to the Visitor's Current Wishlist and decides to log in to the website to use his Member's Personal Wishlist, the contents of the Visitor's Current Wishlist will automatically merge with his Member's Personal Wishlist contents, only if Visitor's Current Wishlist and Member's Personal Wishlist contents are of the same type (equipment or expandables). If not, please read below Current Wishlist and Personal Wishlist Conflict.
Managing One's Personal Wishlist
By clicking on the Save, Email, File My Wishlist link at bottom left of your Personal Wishlist, that one could:
• be sent by mail to our rental service, to yourself or any recipient of your choice, along with your own comments and your informations;
• be printed and saved on your system as an pdf formated file estimate, excluding customized terms though taking into account flat rates;
• be reset (its whole contents is definitly lost) to start with a new empty one;
• be filed under a name of your choice, in order to, say, keep several topical lists to be processed later.
Filed Lists
With your Personal Wishlist you may create as many filed lists as you wish. Preparing and filing several topical lists (for example Feature Film, Documentary Film, TV-Show, Expandables List, aso...) avoids you to spend time for reconstructing your Personal Wishlist from scratch. Several topical filed lists, whose contents must be of the same type (equipment or expandables), can be added together to generate a whole and complete Personal Wishlist.
Managing Filed Lists
If you have filed one or more lists, you can display and use them by clicking the My Account link in the left slidebar menu. A filed list could:
• be displayed to see its contents;
• be merged with your Personal Wishlist for completing it, in that case the contents of the filed list will be fully added to your Personal Wishlist contents, only if the filed list contents type (equipment or expandables) is identical to your current Personal Whishlist contents type;
• definitely replace your Personal Wishlist, which contents are therefore deleted and replaced by the filed list contents;
• be deleted, in that case, it will not be possible to use its contents anymore.
For all these actions, contents of the filed list are preserved, unless you delete it.
To edit a filed list contents, first merge it, with the Merge link, with your Personal Wishlist previously emptied, delete the filed list itself, then complete your Personal Wishlist as you wish, and finally file it again under the name of the previously deleted filed list.
Equipment List, Expandables List
It is not possible to compose a single wishlist merging sound equipment rental and expandables sales. To achieve that, two wishlists have to be composed, one of them having to be filed. At first, you have to sign in. Process must then be splitted in two steps: Start by creating a wishlist of one contents type (for example Equipment Rental), and possibly print it to pdf file, and then file it under a clear name in Save, Email, File My Wishlist. That will clear your current Personal Wishlist contents. Once this first list is archived, it is possible to compose the second one for the other contents type, such as Expandables Sales for instance, and, like the first one, to print it to pdf file and to store it with another clear name. It will then be possible to go back to one list or the other in My List History or in My Estimate History.
Current Wishlist and Personal Wishlist Conflict
When signing in, the Current Wishlist contents are merged with you Personal Wishlist contents, only if both contents are of the same type (equipment or expandables). If not, to prevent loosing the Current Wishlist contents before signing in, that one is automatically filed under an explicit name, that is contents type (Rental or Expandables) and date of the day. Then, your Personal Wishlist contents fully replace the previous Current Wishlist contents. It will be possible to easily go back to this previous Current Wishlist filed contents in My List History.
Notes about Rates
DC Audiovisuel website isn't a merchandising online website. For expandables lists or pdf files, prices are neither displayed nor printed. For equipment rental lists or estimate pdf files, prices are e/VAT on a daily basis. They do not take into account customized terms and, for lists only, applicable flat rates. Please contact us or send to us your wishlist(s) to be informed on our best proposal.
The Visitor's Current Wishlist contents could be displayed at anytime, if you are not yet logged in, by clicking the Current Wishlist link in the left slidebar menu.
Once the visitor leaves the website, the contents of the Current Wishlist will be deleted.
The Member's Personal Wishlist contents can be displayed at anytime, if you are already logged in, by clicking the My Wishlist link in the left slidebar menu. It is automatically saved for the next visits.
• be sent by mail to our rental service, to yourself or any recipient of your choice, along with your own comments and your informations;
• be printed and saved on your system as an pdf formated file estimate, excluding customized terms though taking into account flat rates;
• be reset (its whole contents is definitly lost) to start with a new empty one;
• be filed under a name of your choice, in order to, say, keep several topical lists to be processed later.
• be displayed to see its contents;
• be merged with your Personal Wishlist for completing it, in that case the contents of the filed list will be fully added to your Personal Wishlist contents, only if the filed list contents type (equipment or expandables) is identical to your current Personal Whishlist contents type;
• definitely replace your Personal Wishlist, which contents are therefore deleted and replaced by the filed list contents;
• be deleted, in that case, it will not be possible to use its contents anymore.
For all these actions, contents of the filed list are preserved, unless you delete it.
To edit a filed list contents, first merge it, with the Merge link, with your Personal Wishlist previously emptied, delete the filed list itself, then complete your Personal Wishlist as you wish, and finally file it again under the name of the previously deleted filed list.