In a nutshell
Aaton GMT-S is an SMPTE Timecode generator. It generates SMPTE at 24, 25, 29.97 drop frame and 30 fps. It delivers high stability LTC to multi-track audio recorders, it jam-syncs DATs suffering from drifting internal clocks, and drives accessories such as electronic slates... GMT-S receives Timecode from Origin C+ (shooting with Timecode film or video camera) or from SMPTE LTC sources (24, 25, 29.97df, 30). GMT-S can also generate its own time and date, delivering a code starting from 01h 00m 00s; an arbitrary date, starting from January 1st 1992, is incremented each time GMT-S is initialized. It is essential to have a GMT-S on the video camera and another one on the audio recorder if one wishes not to reset time too often.
This product is commonly named:
Aaton GMT-S, Aaton GMTS, Aaton GMT S, Aaton GMT, GMT-S, GMTS, GMT S, GMT
This product is commonly named:
Aaton GMT-S, Aaton GMTS, Aaton GMT S, Aaton GMT, GMT-S, GMTS, GMT S, GMT